Quake hangover

Many people in this world suffer from a syndrome I would like to term sleepy-now-not-sleepy-then syndrome.In most cases it involves a situation in which the person feels so unsleepy(forgive me for lack of vocab;Im an IITian) that he thinks he can stay awake without any repercussions only for Hypnos,God of Sleep to pain him during the day.

Basically what i am trying to say is I stayed awake til 3 yday playing Quake in the department and now I am unable to sit openeyed through any lecture.To top it all of I have a 2 hour ANN lecture.Which is another way of saying "Oh Crap".

I had to write about a Wimp Chronicle today.So I have a good one.For those of you who dont know Wimp, just picture a know-it-all IITian who actually resembles the Wimpy foods mascot though it isnt the funda of his name.
So todays story is the one about the Singapore connection.Before JEE, Wimp had a female freind who was a "very close" friend.Or so our man claimed.But when Wimp got IIT the female joined NTU or NUS level college in Singapore.But our man keeps in contact daily with mails et al and even through a comman friend.Once in a sequence of mails with the mutual friend, Wimps hears of some shady activities of female and trying to put pseud replies in a mail that these activities were "what we IITians call insti prosti".Whatever he was trying to prove/do/say/think/etc we cannot say.But it turns out, the mutual friend wanted to show female Wimp's mails ignorant of this latest mail.Easy to imagine what happened next.

Probably isnt a very funny story nor an interesting one.Why did I write it? Coz I never break my word.(Hehe Nice try ).It will be the last one though coz I have better things to write about.
(Note to Self:Nice try again.Enough of pseudputs.End post)

Turns out these are the lyrics of Chop Suey by System of a Down.(Who the fuck can hear and understand/realise them?I Googled it).My first tryst with death metal?The song was really good though.

"Trust in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die"

I shall end with a quote endemic to TCS lab and known to only a few elite junta
"Aiyooooooo Queenu poche!"


Shamanth said…
I fully agree... Let's pain Bofi... We have 'aLL' we need to pain him... (Sorry Venkat, for borrowing pun)

Nice of you to put up Wimp chronicle. Man will be glad to know of this.
Anonymous said…
wimp chronicles...yipppeee...yahooey...go helmet...yup...sadly written...doesnt to full justice to the man...but what the hell...its a start...aLL dont seem to think so though...no comments...:-P...neways...purple cows...hmm...so u think you're quite aMOOsing huh?...neways...here goes...
I never saw a purple cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one!.
and its sequel...
Ah yes, I wrote "The Purple Cow"
I'm Sorry now I wrote it
But I can tell you Anyhow
I'll Kill you if you Quote it!
take a hint macha.....and remember...i am BOFi
Shamanth said…
BOFi,that was verse than any admonition I've seen.

Helmet, what ra. No net centres in Tirupati?

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