Nothing on my mind

As I said nothing particular on my mind.There was a LitSec meetign where we got to decide the LitSoc calender for the year.Something da.I got to miss playing footer though :((.

I also forgot to get the questionnaires filled by the freshies.I dont even know why Im sitting here now.
(Deep contemplation)

I give up.

However I do feel better than afti when I was all headachey.I guess I should never sleep without prior intimation to myself.(What crap?).

Im in a poemy mood now.Junta seem to write my adlibbing of poems.Lets attempt one now

Why Why Why am I here?
Is it because of fear?
Fear of what or whom pray tell
Shut up and go to hell.

Yes isnt very good.I leave it unerased to remind Im useless at it.(Maybe a limerick next time.Lol)

I read this book "5 point someone"(What not to do at IIT) by Chetan someone.I liked it though wasnt very believable.Ah well.

(Dont you feel irritated when you like a song you dont want to like like this Titanic song by Celine Dion going on in the background)

(Trying to think of any other song)

(The song finally ends and am satisfied enough to end the post)


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