Finally back to some good comp

I can remember not so long ago(say some 5 years ago) when a half an hour of internet was a rarity and that reliable and internet at a good speed was but a rumour or a joke.Seems so distant now.

Anyways just to prove a point : ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. Yes this keyboard works fucking well.

Only Kabi was here in IIT.Others packed home.DCF opened only now.Til then I was in TCS where the comp doesnt allow me to blog.Gives arbit errors.Anyways.Home sweet home.

I met KG today after last sem.Told me to start getting ready for scrabble prelims.I told hime I havent seen the other coord.He said that I have to be ready by end of August or max start of Septembter.ya, nice try.I the fucking dont know where to get any stuff for this.Lets hope my co coord knows more.
Heres hoping...

I saw some arbit movie yday starring that Denzel Washington guy.Some marathon movie (150 minutes?).I really dont remember the name now :p.It was a nice film though.I liked it.Basically he goes on a rampage for revenge.Dies finally.Nice though.

So its August finally.Let the games begin!!!(I mean my semester;not so much the Olympics).

Finals of India vs SriLanka today.I guess I will watch it from when I get home.Lets hope India can win.
Heres hoping...(again)

(I hope too much)


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