
Basically I got up today with only one thing one my mind.Everything was so clear.I couldnt oversleep today.Not because of any tutorial.No acad related funda.No sports related funda.Actually the reason was I was so damn HUNGRY.I dont know why.This after I had cold refreshing lassi from Dhabha at ~1:30.Even a piece of gulab jamun from Satyam.And yet at ~7, hunger struck.It struck as badly (and pointlessly) as Bush struck Iraq.Ok wrong analogy;my hunger didnt want any oil....

Anyways unbelievably hungry or not, today was Thursday.Which meant Pessarett.In other words the only day I head for the bread irrespective of queue length.I dont remember when I tasted "it" last and I dont know why I hate it so, but I do.Anyways satiating my appetite with bread I headed to class .Yawn.Is it me or have classes become more boring than ever before?(Answer:Its me and its the classes)

Anyways not able to stand the boredom of it all, I decide to bunk Physics and sit in the DCF.

BTW I have apparently become "artistic" according to a freind of mine because I use ~*~.Though personally I cannot imagine why I do use them, I continue to use them albeit sparingly.~*~Crap~*~

I had a feeling when I got up this morning, stomach grumbling and all, that I had had a nice dream.As luck has it I dont remember the dream.May not exactly qualify for an example of Murphys Law.But then Murphys Law must have some corollaries right?

Dream On ,Dream On ,Dream it til your dreams come true...


Anonymous said…
Hiya Helmet....

Hey, no. Roorkee food is the worst.

Keerthi's first law: Everyone takes pride in the fact that their mess food is the worst.

Did Bofi get your crossword clue?

BTW, why Helmet, man? How did you get your name?

Obligatory Bofi trivia of the day: Bofi's favourite book is Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five.


Shamanth said…
Hey Helmet...

No Orkut invite in spam da...

Hey Keerthi, what's up?


Shamanth said…
BOFi is gult.
San said…
An end to all the chaos and turmoil...

Shamant, I guess only pseud junta can join Orkut.Pity.

Keerthi, I guess I will never accept Roorkee has worse food and you will never accept Madras has worse food.So we shall agree to disagree.Whats that about Bofi and slughterhouse? ;).And never ask a senior the funda of his name...esp one which he rather not tell...

Venkat, I bulbed coz your gmail address was vikramsomething? Explain.

Sabi, Bofi is a junior of mine in college.He is at present a punching bag for all.:P.Actually its all in the name of fun.BTW Am I right when I remember you telling me you have friends in Roorkee?

Last but not the least(maybe), Bofi....How come no comments da?Afraid? Sad? Hurt? Or just plain busy?

Shamanth said…
Helmet, I think I am pseud. I got orkut invite...

Thanks ra...

Whoa, some huge traffic on your blog...

Stud ra...



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