Title looks Good

Anyway decided to include titles to each day.Not enough time to think of one now, since having been here atelast an hour , I am yet to begin doing any work.Finally submitted the steps program though it was against my better judgement but finally understood why deleting part of the code made the program work(!!!).

The drive to work was totally uneventful and even the Gods pitied me today I guess...

Apart from that I should include some facts:
Number of evening hours I spent at home yesterday and the day before awake: 5+5=10(max)
Number of movies I have seen in the evenings of these days: 3 (Seabiscuit,BulletproofMonk(2nd time),HellBoy)
I forgot the day b4 the day b4 yday I saw Haunted Mansion...so Im on a movie roll...its awesome.

Murali was spammed into mailing and he also chatted some 3 lines(in French) and went away... he has to still recover from the bp1 loss...(mourn in silence)

Tam junta is mailing hajjar nowadays...lets hope tht continues becoz tht and UVA are the only things keeping me from boredom-related sicknesses,(bad english but I put across what I was trying to say I hope)

Back to work or ... nothing great, Ill just feel guilty...

(Remind me to ask Kabi if I can put his site as a link...)


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