Coocookuchu Mrs Robinson
Yes very creative indeed.I wonder how they came up with the word...I mean as creative as I am( an clearly as humble as I am) , cannot think of any plausible origin for such a word.Maybe thats the sound a bird makes when strangled?Thats the best I can think of.

With 2 days to go til this 'work' farce gets over, I can hardly do anything.I just sit all day and stare at the monitor.I hope with all my heart that I dont end up in such a job.(In case I do I will come back to delete this post)

A week left for college to reopen.Itll be back to hostel then with mronings of college,interlaced with biunking to crash, aftis of freedom , interlaced with time to crash, evenings of footer ,not interlaced with anything and nights of carroms,tt,movies et al and finally an obscure movie whose name but a esoteric few know at round 12 with Tota.I cant wait to go back.

Yesterday I saw this movie, Never Die Alone about some black drug dealer.I kinda liked the movie.It isnt a comedy/tradegy/action/romance...anything like that.It s a good movie ;I dont know why.I just kinda like it.

"Return to Innonence"-Enigma was going on in my head til a few minutes ago.Now my mind is empty.I rather some music play.
(Waiting for some music to start).
(Still waiting).
Finally.Its a tune this time.I dont even know the name of the song.Let me try to think of the tune and try to write it though--(C DC BAG)x2,C DC B G B A .I think that was it.
(Ive played this tune before in my head and translated into music before;thats why I was able to write the notes.)

Im also kinda sad that tam gumbal will lose its 100 mails a day traffic once college starts.I suppose we always have next hols :D.

Long blog.And Im ostensibly working.
(Note to self: tell Murali that ostensibly isnt related to obesity in any way.I pained that guy when he asked me whether I was going for GRE classes.Ob Im not)


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