3 days left
First of all, tell me something (this is for myself; anyone else reading this might just skip this para;nay, skip this blog coz unless you have time to kill , dont).Why do I always sit down to blog something, start to blog then forget what I was going to blog?.I guess we should have a syndrome named after me.Helmet-Blog syndrome.Almost everyone else has a syndrome named after them.I like my absentminded attitude though.Has helped me escape many problems in school. Selective Amnesia...lmfao.

What to do today...a comment left by someone yesterday made me realise I havent heard Simon and Garfunkel in a long while.Mrs Robinson, start singing in my head...:P.(OMG it really started).

Finally as the heading says, 3 days to go...then back to college.Hostel.Woohoo.

Ok I rememberred what I was going to blog about.India won a game yesterday vs SriLanka.(sans Murali and Vaas) albeit a 'humdinger'.What a strange word.Anyways, it was been a loooooong time since I enjoyed an Indian victory on tv.Basically the game was down to the wire.Some gen good bowling and we won.I cant rememebr the last time I saw cricket at home.

Anyways 3 days left;some justice to those days?(maybe)


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