Slip Slidin' Away

There are times in your life when you wake up , still lieing down on the bed, and think about things. Things that have been ,things that are to come. The days gone by and the days to come.

So today I woke up in such a state.And I thought to myself "Shit,life is awesome." At almost the same moment a thought struck me. "When was it that I thought Ill start studying? Hmm 18th? Thats ...ahhh..2 days AGO? .....And wasnt there some assignment Shyamnath has been paining me about? " I almost jump out of bed. The truth is I am very prone to such psyche-attacks. Though they last but a hour at most (after which Im back to doing something else), I start planning vigorously .What to do , when to do, how to do. Needless to say, nothing falls in place.But the planning keeps me more at peace and sane.More or less.

So more about my nefarious activities since Friday. Remarkably , I attended all classes on Friday including the Pass/Fail course which I hadnt attended for a week. (The prof was shocked on seeing me :P ). The evening was awesome with Me and Dasan taking a trip to Bikes & Barrels. We had excellent company of course :D. Ergo friday was also the day that two resolutions of mine were unceremoniously broken. Ah, you win some, you lose some. But I need to mention that the only thing I got high on was the elevator. :D. Thats what I keep telling myself...

Saturday was less eventful.My afternoon was consumed by "Million Dollar baby".Brilliant movie. Didnt impress me much in the beginning (perhaps I was a lil bit sleepy) but I thought it ended very well. And at around this time, we lost power for quite a while. An ideal time to chat* around with friends (*- I'm deliberately trying to avoid IITian lingo: substitute the right words if you think I should do otherwise). Lol @ Senti - 3000 children killer.

Evening involved football and football and what else...uhhhh... yeah, football. 3 hours we played the game of the Gods. That too after a hiatus of almost a week.And after all that football, there was no way we were going to eat in the mess.Hence a trip to See Rock.Delightful meal and conversations. Lol @ Point5's Underwater Meditation. Seriously our seniors are one interesting (and slightly bulbax) set of junta.

After food, we all ended up in the common room : time for ManU and Real matches. Decent matches . ManU deserved to win (and won) and Real deserved to lose (and lost).

By the time the matches were done, it was quite late ~2ish.And most junta packed (except maybe Dasan who crashed almost from the start of the first match). But me and Thota remained. Nostalgic as the both of us were, we decided to see the end of a extremely shady and slightly disturbing movie ,for you see before the introduction of LAN in the insti, staying up late in the common room seeing extremely shady and slightly disturbing movies was a daily thing for us. And the movie didnt disappoint.:D.

So its finally sunday.As I said, I woke up all psyched and planning to complete an assignment before 11 and finish mugging before lunch.Yeah right.And pigs can fly.

God only knows
God makes his plan
The information's unavailable
To the mortal man
We work our jobs
Collect our pay
Believe we're gliding down the highway
When in fact we're slip slidin' away


bharath said…
well... plans made are not meant to work da helmet... man proposes god disposes...
Mercury said…
Title courtesy Simon and garfunkel....Do add that!!!

Heard about your escapades friday
Jah said…
saw the movie today daa.... nice*
San said…
OK, for mercury: Title courtesy Simon and Garfunkel.

Dasan : Ya da btw how was prelude to a kiss?
EP/ UK said…
So true, so true. I can identify myself almost completely with the content in your first paragraph...have you ever wondered why you are like that and yearned for reform?
San said…
A little retrospection couldnt hurt anybody...hoffenlich...;)
Introspection is something I avoid.Anyways I dont long for a change vis-a-vis this da EP.
EP/ UK said…
Me neither...I like the way I am...but when it presents a hurdle in the way of progress, it seems painful.
Planned guys execute everything to clockwork perfection...but thats what they are...clockwork oranges...devoid of chaotic humanness.

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