
Yes the fact that the title of this post is Title is actually a bit of humour.And for want of a better title.

Situation:Helmet has been thinking for some time. He usually thinks about nothing in particular but his train of thoughts usually end up with something (aha). And what follows is the stuff you read in his posts. Wait, why this explanation? Because he thinks he has nothing to write about.Hmmm....

There are some people who are so predictable.They never surprise you.Then there are some people who surprise you sometimes.They behave in a strange way, good or bad which you find atypical of them.And then there are some people who surprise you always...

Predictable people I know in large numbers. The kind of people who arent necessarily not interesting (double negation funda; reread) , but just that you can count on them doing something with a really high probability.Good people to have as lab partners…

The people who surprise you always are a select breed. Briefly the geniuses and the bulbgods. What I mean by surprise isnt like what-the-fuck kind of surprise. Not always anyways. It could be a more subtle surprise. Yeah-I-knew-he-is-a-pseud-stud kind of surprise. I guess its a very difficult thing to explain (and/or my vocabulary is very limited...). I can probably say I know a handful of such characters. NRP for one.

And last but not the least, those who surprise you sometimes. Surprisingly I am finding out that a few friends of mine belong to this category.That or I am a really bad judge of character. People who I used to associate with being of one type, turning out to be the other type.(Yeah I am so full of information ). L2 ,for one, hardly looks like a IMO-TC guy.:D. I heard he recently cracked a maths quiz somewhere. Sad he ended up in elec.

Anyways, this reasoning is a result of one more person of the last category who is scaring the shit out of me.As in, his behaviour is so unlike him that it is scary.Before you reach unwarrented conclusions after observing the word 'he' and deciding to let your imagination run wild, let me tell you who he is.That person is me.

Lately I have been changed so much that I can hardly recognise myself anymore.Ok ok...that was too much, but its true I have been changing.Evolving? Debatable. But changing.

When I sometimes think back on my life, I was so easy to understand.The stereotypical student who spent a lot of time seeing TV and some time in acadrelated stuff. Now I cant say I am a stereotypical anything. Yeah its nice, that feeling. Knowing you cant be called a "that-kind-of" guy. Although someone recently called me a cartoon character which I dont seem to like.Grrrr.

Actually I think change is better. Personally, I could never live a morbidly monotonous life doing the same thing day in and day out. I need some change to keep my mind active. Something. Anything.

Enough of psychological crap. Im trying too much to psychoanalyse everything. Should learn to accept things as they are.

And about the incident which led me to this thinking...Dasan will put up a post soon I think.

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I know the words arent in any way applicable to this post.But I just liked the words. This song is playing in the back when I write the post. Although I do find it unbelievably apt for last semester and all the assignments which we fell prey to in the end...And perhaps it could be applicable to this semester to...:P.

Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be,
There’s a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don’t know she woldn’t say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Mm mm mm mm mm.

PS: Does anyone else think I have screwed up the font types in this post?Somehow they seem to be different at different points in the post...


EP/ UK said…
What the heck was that supposed to be? I aint no bulber!
(Yeah...yeah...I know what you are thinking....but no, I have not (yet!) become so jobless as to keep checking out blogs day in and night out)
San said…
Dont understand what you're pained about...
EP/ UK said…
Oh...I'm sorry...the three sentences in my comment are not supposed to be directly related at all...I think that created the confusion.
For one, I didnt understand your blog.
Second, I was clarifying that since I didnt understand and I am not a bulber, there must be something wrong with the blog per se.
Third was a gen statement.
bharath said…
m atrociously confused if i have to understand what u meant to say from your blog. Such thought processes have been happening for me for quite a long time and hence found it, ok-so-what types... ne nice post da...
San said…
EP : For one, you are a bulber.
For two, you are a bulber.
For three you are a bulber.
... ad nauseum. :P.

Bhaand : Sleisha paradoxical statements wrt confused and nice post. Not that Im cribbing .:D.
Jah said…
For all i know u are quality entertainment... :D....
I've decided to be appreciative of your new decision though...
All the best...
San said…
Thanks da Dasan. I can do it!

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