Of Punctures and why I love them

Im talking about small holes in tyres caused due to thorns ,pieces of glass or anything else capable of making small holes in tyres.And in IIT there are a lot of such things ergo a lot of punctures.But as any optimist sees the cup half full, I see the puncture as an oppurtunity for a delightful experience.

Crazy fool.Obsessed with punctures.Wants his cycle to be punctured.His brain must be that.

Ok Ok.Gimme a chance to explain.It'll be good.I promise.I hope...

So my cycle has been very good to me.Takes me wherever I want to go.I mean no major design flaws.Reasonably comfortable.And it has this really pseud ability...it tends to get punctured once in 2 months.Consistently.Mostly the back wheel but this time its the front one.And it remains unused for some 1-2 weeks til its owner aka yours truly decides it time to fix it.

So whenever my cycle decides to take a rest, its time to walk to class.A time to enjoy the scenery as you exercise the legs in those delightful trips to the LHC or CLT or wherever you need to be.The beautiful trees and the great blue sky and the majestic deer and the myriad leaves... but I ramble too much. Anyways its also the best time to catch up on lost contacts within the campus. A few greetings here and there and perhaps even a peaceful lift from the more gullible and friendly soul (read Pointy).People you rarely get to meet if your cycle hadn't decided to take time off.Usually it is quite an effort to identify,recognise and communicate with junta as you cycle past them in the opposite direction .Some relative velocity funda; velocities get added up.So the time reduces.:D.Clearly while walking you get more time.Hence easier to say "Hi da machi" as you see a familiar face.

And its really good for thinking and reflecting for it takes almost 5 minutes to wherever you want.Or so I think.:P.I usually end up thinking about quake or footer or ... :D.Humming a song (not singing mind you, I aint one to flaunt my fallacies).Its a wonderful feeling, walking.

Thanks da cycle.Thanks very much.Ill get you fixed next week.One week rest was good for you I hope.

So apart from that, lifes good.Nothing to complain about.Except maybe...

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I found this a relaxing thing : Imagination

Im getting addicted to this song by Green Day - Time of Your Life.Im also "refalling" in love with Savage Garden's Moon and Back.Brings back awesome memories of school.Nostalgia Helmet be thy name...

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question , but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.


sriganesh said…
Apparently I got my cycle repaired 2 days back but I am still walking through the woods, with our dearest companions and the "dearest one" rolling by my side....lol.....
And heres the remaining of the green day song:

"So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life."

Yours truly of "yours truly",
San said…
Nice da...che I dont have company while I walk so sometimes I make Raj or ED walk with me even though they have their cycle :D.

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