With friends like this...

Forget the title for some time, back to that soon enough.First things first.

There are just some days which seem to vanish into thin air: there one moment gone the next.Sunday was like that.
[Thinks hard to realise what he actually did that day]
Ok so in the morning I saw this totally surrealist movie named Mulholland Drive.I thought the name struck a chord when I first saw it but apparently nothing could have prepared me for the actual movie.Man, I was waiting for it to explain something.Anything.But I was left bulbing even at the very end.Had to google it to understand some parts; gave up on fully understanding it.Also learnt that it has same director as another equally enigmatic and crazy movie, the Lost Highway. Recommended for all pseud junta who want to show off that they have seen the most ununderstandable movie ever.(Even worse than Magnolia)
Later on the day I played some bridge to brush up on old fundaes seeing that interhostels is coming up.(Supposed to be today ;thankfully postponed).Night was consumed in a mix of quake and mailing and chatting.
When 12 struck the three birthday guys JC,Sam and Dkny (ya three!!! imagine the odds), got their due share of kicks to the posterior.Actually more than their share.5th and 6th wings united to inflict some damage on the 3 bottoms.Unfortunately yours truly was also lifted in the general chaos that followed as was Sai.Fun experience nonetheless
So Sunday wasnt that frivolous as I imagined...I hope Im not losing my ability to waste time due to a mixture of inherent lethargy and avoidable distractions....

Today being the most hated day of the week for me (as many as 6 hours of class; of which I attended 5, uhh, 4.Ya 4 .lets leave it at that) I was happy for the advent of sms and the characteristic ability of any selfrespecting comp sc IITian ,or maybe even IITian in general, to bunk almost all Pass/Fail courses.Afti was lost in the hallowed arenas of q3ctf1 and courtyrd conundrum...peaceful.Evening began with football and ended with a superb General Body Meeting.General Body Massacre more like.I was spared thankfully.

So now to the title.Poor Metro.Garden Sec.He who waited til every other Sec had got raped perhaps elated at the dwindling audience in store for him.Big mistake.He later realised this, I think, as Vipin,Goda,Praveen,Senti ,Thota,Hole and I et al showed him how to pain. Pity the soul. Enjoyed it though :D.He still has to show us the 40, no 31 , plants he bought with the budget.That or the pleasantries exchanged during birthdays...:P.Should have done the right thing and not tried to act pseud.

Anyways now thanks to Dasan I am listening to my forgotten favorite bands ie S&G, Eagles , Savage Garden.Currently with an oldtime fav - Learn to be Still...

There are so many contridictions
In all these messages we send
(we keep asking)
How do I get out of here
Where do I fit in?
Though the world is torn and shaken
Even if your heart is breakin
It's waiting for you to awaken
And someday you will-
Learn to be still
Learn to be still


sriganesh said…
And man, didn't we rape Country??? Metro is yet to clarify on his stand or has he got the numbers wrong! hmmm......
Hey, me too big fan of S&G.... Lets hear the sound of silence......
San said…
Yeah Country and Tommy were pained hajjar I thought. As far as Metro goes, he still claims 31 is the right number though yet to show/count anything.

I basically lived on S&G and Eagles for 9th and 10th (wierd combole?).So big time fan.
Jah said…
I thought nothing could be worse than Lost Highway....
U know i actually sat through Lost Highway without crashing.... Absolutely now idea how....
San said…
How did you manage that da Dasan??? I believe in miracles da... :D.

See Mulholland and tell me how it was...

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