O Captain! My Captain!

Highly useless title for this post.Anyways, this post is dedicated to a captain-like figure , we shall call him Tyro (the T pronounced as a D).This post is unique because it has been penned by a concerned collegegoer who after attending Mr Tyro's (a bigshot in his college) meeting today uses my blog to convey his message to the respected man.Any information read here may not be used in any court of law or for equivalent judicial purposes.

Respected Tyro,

I am amazed.At your naiveness Sire, at your naiveness.To think that the citizens of IIT are as opposed to vices as you perceive, seems a remarkable achievement.And I am amazed.By your relentlessness.To make a system as complicated and established as the one here a more idyllic place.And finally I am amazed by your ideas.Your ideas while sounding very interesting and genuine lack a certain thing.That is the truth.

Lets start with the teacher-student understanding.That special rapport that ought to be the foundation of any padagog and his learner which seems to be lacking in this insti .And you ask why? WHY!?! First we need to respect our profs.Respect arises out of awe or fear. Fear of profs is like dislike of icecreams- blasphemous.And awe? Maybe at the way they can make any topic the most boring lesson ever realised by man.Not at what they know and what they "teach". Clearly ,and thankfully,exceptions are there.Thankfully...

Attendence...you want every class to have 100% attendence?(Stands up and bows).Need I reiterate the reason we find our profs awe-inspiring.(more like aweful). Anything can become as boring as peeling 10000 potatoes with a peeler. Thanks to cell phones and the concept of sms attendence is where it is.And the remarkable ability of all IITians to sleep in any position irrespective of the course being lectured.Attendence is where it is and if you bring about that brilliant idea of revoking a minimum attendence , classes will be perenially empty.No wait.They will have some students.Those muggus who sit in their room all day and probably mug their way.Mug their way to glory and MIT and CalTech and whatnot.That reminds me...

Introducing a new grade card which has extra and co - curricular activites.Hmm.Sounds like a decent idea.Except that if introduced, junta will start playing baski just to get a tck next to "played baski : yes / no ".Acads are RG enough thank you.No need to invade the purity of sports with that damned concept of RG.

Elections.You want to clean up the election system.Sounds like the plot of a bad bollywood movie.Atleast that will not flop if you add an item number and some skin.But making the preplanned election process , uhh, a less preplanned one is sleisha difficult dont you think? Many people start networking as soon as they join the insti to come to "power" finally and to enjoy the fruits of their post. 4500 people is not a small amount Sir, and it will take a major Operation to make right the system.

I cant think of any other points except our man's views on booze and dope.His view, a mere 5% booze (consume alcohol) and what some 2% dope.I dont know whether to laugh or cry.And what else? "I think smoking is hardly there now".I dont want to say anything about that .Just that I pity the man and his naiveness.

Overall I am a cynic.I know that.At some levels highly pessimistic and sometimes hypocritical.Definitely most of the time I'm overly critical.But I seldom say my mind.I keep to myself.This time was just too much to digest.I had to relieve myself of my thoughts.And thus this letter.

I hope you find this letter more constructive criticism rather than contemptuous banter.Just the thoughts of a concerned guy.



Sappoux said…
>> junta will start playing baski just to get a tck next to "played baski : yes / no ".Acads are RG enough thank you

way to go! guess thats the pent up angst blowing out through the helmet!
bharath said…
It is a rather sweet letter to the man.

Anyway, i have spoke to him one-on-one on such topics in closed doors for hours and still the man acts the same way. I dont think, some things are changable on the face of the earth. I was actually thinking, y dont u send this letter to him and see what he does with it. Going by what he has done in the past with letters and stronger representations of the kind, it will reach no where. In any event consider sending it to him.
bharath said…
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San said…
I rather not send this letter da.Let it be.
Mercury said…
Nice post helmet..interesting to note that authority everywhere has the same naivete. But it is probably best to leave them in there blissful ignorance....simply because then there will atleast be no interference.And interference is usually very far from constructive, even though it is intended otherwise...Things usually don't get better than they are...atleast in this kind of thing.

oh...and about u're leaving a comment on my blog...I'm not sure if u were b*shitting me , but unless you've figured out an equivalent of invisible ink , on the internet...I don't seem to find any signs of it..
Mercury said…
Oh btw...Does the title of the post have anything to do with the Walt Whitman poem...??
San said…
Yes it is.I had recently seen Dead Poets Society so there's the source...
Mercury said…
Lol...And here I was , astounded that you seemed so widely read....

But a source is a source...movie or book... Did you like the movie??
Ganesh said…
100% attendance??? thats the worest thing i have known after entering the "hallowed" portals of IITM...

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