Will someone chat with me?

Chatting is quite a fascinating thing when you think about it.I mean the concept that one need not be in front of the other person when communicating with him/her was a concept established ago by the postal service and later popularised by the telephone and then now quintessential cell phones.

But chatting is different.Because you can chat with strangers.(You can speak to strangers on the phone too but mostly its only a voice telling you its the wrong number).Unlike posts or phones chatting does not require knowing somebody else's address or number as the case maybe.Enter a chat room and start chatting away...All those coy introverts have a split personality of a macho studs showing off about that time once that he had to choose between 10 females.(Or that one time in band camp...hehe).So anyways its a perfect place for people to lead double lives.

But then ,some highly informed sources say, some people do use this service to chat with people they actually know.(like I do).To keep in touch with friends ,relatives, crushes(:D),etc.Ya I agree it is very useful in this regard.

So you started this post with something in mind.I mean you cant have a post like a freaking class lecture in which you write nothing new,nothing junta already didnt know.Thats as useless an empty post.So should I delete the first part and restart?No No it isnt worth it.Let it be.Your thoughts however confused and hopeless and unbelievably boring are your thoughts and after all its the very reason you started this blog is to store your thoughts?Yup 'tis true.I shall let it be.

So where was I?All these voices in my head distracted me.As I was saying chatting is very interesting.But nowadays being online always I have noticed one thing.When you want to chat with someone no one is online(rather noone you want to chat with is online ;) ).And when you are seeing a movie or doing something useful, some 10 IMs pop up most of them saying, "hi".
Painful sometimes...

I want someone to chat with now.So needless to say fucking no one is online.

On another totally unconnected issue, the move The Butterfly Effect was quite a good movie.Recommended.I also saw American Pie 2 and 3 sometime last week and for most of time I was laughing my ass off.Really good da.(I somehow loved 2 more than 3).This is recommended for anyone who just wants to laugh.

Now I shall either start contemplating the meaning of life or play quake...Hmmm...


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