2 more days of Shaastra = Nothing

Yet another Shaastra went by with nothing more than a irritating cold coming from it.I didnt expect much from it anyways.Though I did miss three breakfasts consecutively.I actually reached the mess yday and today only to be shown the hand (indicating no more food nothing else ,you perverted freaks).I did try my hand at CTF yday (with Kabi,Raza and JK) only to lose in the second round.:(.Next year da,Next year...

I met up with old friends ,Rajesh Ramana,Bharadwaj,Shyam though apparently I missed Raghu and Bharat.Highlight of yesterday was this movie "The Chronicles of Riddick", apparently the sequel of yet another "awesome" movie Pitch Black.Though I have seen only parts of the latter I did get to see the whole of the former.Which according to some of my friends was best described in words which would make dead Tamil scholars to commit suicide all over again.It wasnt so bad if you ask me.Sleisha vague but i enjoyed it.:D.

I did see a oldie today,"One Fine Day" starring George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer which was kinda cute.A nice movie.Genly funny with a happy ending.Feel good movie.

I also went for this internship selection for Trilogy which I would love to get, for various reasons.The odds are good curently at 1:5.Nice time at Park Sheraton...

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

I shall conveniently not explain the reason behind that seemingly misquoted line.I shall defer the explanation for a better day.

(Closes his eyes and smiles)

(Please bulb on...)


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