Dont just Blog

Sometimes I feel blog too much and sometimes I feel I dont blog enough.For example I just realised that the last time I blogged was Saturday and hence I needed to update.But then I click on New Post and the site comes up and all I can do is stare at the white background with so many buttons hoping something interesting will crop up somewhere in my head ready for blogging.But nay, it isnt so.I think its some form of Bloggers' Block.

Then I thought to myself , as I try in vain to find something to blog, why dont I blog those very attempts/thoughts which lead to the conclusion that I am blogless.(Sounds paradoxical I know).

And hence this post.

So what were my attempts then...(starts thinking)...perhaps a post about old music as in OLD music.Music from a decade ago.How good music remains music irrespective of when it was originally played and how generations have come to love songs like November Rain,Nothing Else Matters,Mrs Robinson,etc.But then I have made enough referrences to this phenomena already for it to deserve a separate post.So back to square one...

So then my thoughts shift to another topic.The liking and disliking of certain games/sports by people.(No referrence to anyone :D).I mean how can anyone not like footer?How can anyone not like quake(:P)?And how the fuck can anyone like hockey?(Im currently suffering from an antihockey state of mind.)But then I didnt have much of a reason to write this post.Nor any enthu.So pack.

So what else is left?The everdegrading taste of mess food which soon will reach levels of giveupnessa (a word I just coined) not ever seen in culinary history?Or maybe about the endeavours of Thota who ostensibly taught most of 5th wingers to put nightputs albeit twas only to play AOM?Or maybe the invasion of french music in Narmada thanks to a certain Alizee( who is actually quite good at singing too)?

Or maybe I shall write a post about how I have nothing to write about.

And thats how it all started...


San said…
So you have the bloggers' block too?

Hmmm...go ahead write the same post.We'll compare and contrast.:D.
Anonymous said…
Tee hee... someone seems to like playing hooky rather than hockey... They way it goes, you could probably be the very definition of blogger's 'clog'. This blogger's fog.. makes seem all bloggers clod.. Oh my glod!!!
San said…
Who was that?

And was that comment supposed to make sense?
And whats wrong with not having clear, well defined thoughts?...i mean, isn't that what makes us unique?...the arbitrariness...the ambiguity...the sheer non-linearity of it Hofstatder's eternal golden braids...definite thoughts...definite feelings...yet all entwined...all haphazard...i'd rather read what is thought but unsaid than what is said but unthought...but i guess thats how i am...I am BOFi
Anonymous said…
The Incredibly Irritating Anonymous Commenster strikes again...

Somehow.. I agree with bof... it does do that something to your writing.. these ellipsis.. of course you're unique... just like everyone else... no greater instrument to emphatically represent a stream of consciousness... if you could make it through the arbiter tangents... makes it look more defined than a certain surrealist writer, though.. ah, the joyce of arbitrariness... but make no worry, thou... I happen to be a stickler to cApiTaLizations.. me only reads, shoots and leaves...
San said…
Machan you're neither Incredible, Irritating or a Commenster?(last one was a typo or an attempt at creating a word?)

Andd three wrongs dont make a right.

And Bofi, I dont mind the ellipsis any more da.Just stop with the self proclamations.

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