Yes the fact that the title of this post is Title is actually a bit of humour.And for want of a better title. Situation:Helmet has been thinking for some time. He usually thinks about nothing in particular but his train of thoughts usually end up with something (aha). And what follows is the stuff you read in his posts. Wait, why this explanation? Because he thinks he has nothing to write about.Hmmm.... There are some people who are so predictable.They never surprise you.Then there are some people who surprise you sometimes.They behave in a strange way, good or bad which you find atypical of them.And then there are some people who surprise you always... Predictable people I know in large numbers. The kind of people who arent necessarily not interesting (double negation funda; reread) , but just that you can count on them doing something with a really high probability.Good people to have as lab partners… The people who surprise you always are a select breed. Briefl...