Yesterday was probably a fun day when I went back to the hostel initially thinking I was going to program for the ontest but then realising that a contest means problems I cant write, surrendered to the comfort of my hostel where I wishfully spent the night upto say 2 am before crashing.In the midst of all this , I also played some inspired TT(enough to beat Satyam) and played the fool in our half wing trying to irritate Shyamnath which I did and also was involoved in Ballu getting bumsfor his involvement in the proceedings.Also played Diablo 2 on Boom's comp for sometime while ostensibly reading the German verbs' participles.Ended up seeing some shady TV upto 2 which included parts of 12 monkeys,possessed and a movie called till human voices wake us up...I dont know why...
Cool day yesterday but todays been rather tame;have had to study for tommorrows quiz.Hope to do some german too.

msn id of the day:"Sleep is a drug and I overdosed...".
Hope I improve...


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