Whoosh...Another weekend goes by...

Does anybody else feel that time is accelerating faster than normal?Seriously.I saw the date today and thats when I realised we were nearing the end of September.I cant remember most of September.
(gruesome random recollections of quizzes flow through the mind)
(calms down)
Apart from those painful obligations, I seem to have done nothing useful in September.Or perhaps I should read my blog to find out....

Sunday, yesterday , was a peaceful day.The morning was spent blissfully playing quake in the DCF after the Prof conveniently changed submission timings.Choreo was fun and the 4th years put on a great show.(NOTE TO SELF: Next year Narmad B will be bigger and better...)

I actually stayed up till 4 to see the Village which was a good movie and all.However lacked the last minute suspense of a Shyamalan movie.Not a bad movie da.I guess I expected more though.

Most of today has been spent in doing some arbit assignment(@$#@#!!@!#).Moreover I have one more for tommorrow and better still I have 2 more this week.
The horror of it all!!!!

Nice quote:
One good thing about egotists, they dont talk about anybody else.

I just remembered...ANN midsem next week!!!!
(refrains from hair pulling)


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