Some of the most painful things in this world

Sometimes when youre in a precarious situation and you are pained, you think to yourself "That must be one of the most painful things ever...".It can be any day-to-day event but yet under circumstances it could be painful.

Let me explain.

Take for instance this one time last year I was cutting class.A normal bunk.I think it was to see the starting of a cricket match (last year India was actually playing good cricket.This year they just seem to be playing to improve the selfconfidence of their opponents.)So anyways, I slipped out of the classroom stealthily as I have done many times before to make sure I dont meet the prof walking to the class.No problems there.Then I get on my cycle and cycle leisurely back to hostel.Just before I come into the hostel guess what happened? The prof who was driving her scooty to class notices me and I notice that she has noticed me.I almost fell out of my cycle. Painmax situation.

Some days back I was watching a movie on LAN, 28 days,(which is a good movie), at ~1:30.Last 20 minutes.Movie had been good so far and I decided I would crash after I finished the movie.Suddenly Ballz(whose comp had the movie;I didnt copy the movie) decides he has to crash and shuts down his machine.By the time I go to his room and try to wake him up he is in deep sleep.Tried to find the movie on someone elses comp to no avail.I eventually did get to see the end.Some 3 days later.

The most painful situation any living thing can chance upon is Shamanth's PJs.I mean they seem to be getting worse day by day.Fortunately I dont remember all his words but an example -
Me: Me and Rags were discussing the definition of shady da.
Shamanth: Shady is understanding a tree .
(think about it)

There are other situations which can be painful like the water stopping when youre having a bath(had it happen once), mugging physics, pissing with someone watching over your back waiting to piss, mugging physics ,cycling upto the Bank at 5 only to realise it closes before 5 and then cycling upto the Bank the next day at 3 only to realise it closes at 1 on Saturdays (happened to a friend) and mugging physics.

Any smart junta could have figured out by now that my next exam is physics, the mother of all evil and the bane of the world.

Any junta now also know I hate physics though why I dont know.Its one of those things you never liked,never like and will never like.No offence to any Physics God...

Taking it Easy...


Anonymous said…
macha...u aint seen nothin yet...wait till vijay comes...or even better...sethu.....enjoy while ya can...and ya...the dots...they really have no point...anyways...i am BOFi
San said…
There are times when you are bulbed beyond all hope and find it impossible to reply because you are in a state of utter speechlessness.

This is such a situation.

And just to make it clear, this is one of the situations I forgot to add in my post.

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