Turmoil in the land of the brave

Meant only for those the author has personally asked to read.Anyone else wanting to read should do so at his/her own risk.No compensation for any ailment resulting from excessive scratching of head/chin caused due to this post.

The following post maybe based on some real life incidents though which and whose are left to the imagination of the reader. There are also some parts of the part which are fictional, amusing and "Calvin-and-Hobbes"esque.The author hopes these come true too.


In the land of Unknown, King Anon grew impatient at his inability to win wars .Not because he lost them, but because he didnt go at war at all! He had a sufficient army and basically he would probably be victorious if he tried.But he remained the King who never ventured into battle.Until that day.

That day he was sleisha high.Life was fun and he had been highly entertained by his jester ergo he was happy.He decided it was time to fight.And his victim he had identified just some time back during the jesters performance.It was the land of DaUnknown.(very creative names right?).He would attack it while it was not ready and reap the rewards of his actions.Alas every time he started out to attack the land, he seemed to chicken out at the last moment.But then something caught his attention...he realised DaUnknown had a secret weak spot (what it is shall remain secret for want of a proper parallel).Thus he attacked.And he was brilliant (or so he hoped later on if only to satisfy his own ego).And he shared his land with his fellow royal junta and everyone was happy.He was no longer the King who never ventured into battle.He was the King who had won a war.

Years passed and painful situations, general confusion and the kitchen sink later, the King was confronted with a problem.He had attacked , yes.He had won, yes.But what pray tell? Is this what he wanted? All the bloodshed and the carnage? He had wanted the rewards of his actions but not the actions themselves.He seemed to won have something else instead...

But strangely, unlike King Ashoka whose story closely mirrors the story so far, King Anon decided to fight on.Til his goal was reached.Til he got what he wanted.

Battles will be fought.Blood will be spilt.Lives will be lost.But he shall fight for what he believes in.He shall and does.

And he did win eventually.After which he stopped.Everything.And he probably became a Buddhist like Ashoka and became all "Peace y'all"...

If you have been unfortunate enough to be one who was uninvited to read this post yet find yourself at the end of this particularly tacky post, I shall just remind you that you had been warned. For the rest, I hope it made sense.If it didnt, Im elated for it will once you ask me and I explain.Everything will become clear.:D.



sriganesh said…
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Jah said…
The ring calls for battle again....
The time nears, draw the swords and train the steeds....
Heed, O mighty men,
If the northern lands call for help, Rivendell will answer....
San said…
Nice da Goda...But "cryptic"ise it more da ;)

And Vipin...Pseud da...SANdalf shall ask Rivendell if need arises...

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