Dream on Dream on

Dreams ,people say, are the metaphysical manifestation of one's inner most thoughts and wishes.Dreams are windows to ones life and how he or she wishes it to be.Apparently each dream of ours has an inner meaning but that isnt what Im gonna blog about. Im rather going to blog about the idiosyncratic wierdness of peoples' dreams and how much I personally fear daydreaming...

Today morning was like any other.No first hour ;ergo a few more moments of that perfect bliss called sleep.That feeling which envelops a person after a hard days work (or just after a days work :D) and usually that feeling you carry over to your classes the next day. One moment Im asleep dreaming away to glory and then I suddenly wake up and realise I am no longer in some alien world.I dont exactly remember what my dream was about although I do recollect that there was something very different about it.Different in a good way..Thats something I hate about dreams... you manage to remember the really really sick and bad ones but almost instantly forget the awesome ones.Ive had ones about losing slippers in swimming pools and crazy black men chasing me in a limo hitting me with lemons.I swear the last one is very true though more like a dream of my past.

I know Im not alone in this wierd-dreams-world of ours.My friend Neo once had a dream about meeting Aishwarya Rai and bowing down before her.(nothing else...just bowing down before her). Thota claims he has had dreams of AOM characters attcking him in his sleep. Needless to say I get up thinking that Im riddled with rockets many a time....:D.

Talking of rockets and quake, I seriously fear daydreaming in class nowadays.The problem is that sometimes I just drift away taken in by an uncontrollable urge to close my eyes.And whilst I fight Hypnos ,valiantly might I add, Morpheus decides to play painful tricks on me.So the prof (rather the lecturer today) became a slightly undeweight bot with a rocket launcher shooting rockets. Took me quite some determination not to shout out in shock at the illusions striking me...And the best part is, the lecture continues tommorrow.I shall have to arm myself with some trusty Gurunath tea before I take on the two Gods tommorrow...Just hope the Three Fates are on my side...

Thus after much analysis and soulsearching I have come to the conclusion that dreams are more than an insight to ones pysche, they are also objects of wierdness and hence a source of fun and banter.So much so that I had to blog about it...

"Dreaming-til-the-dream-comes-true"ly yours


bharath said…
well, you seem to have been dreaming while writing this blog also...
San said…
Whatever da...I did find the best solution to my problem of daydreaming...I bunked the class :D.

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