Thinking about it...

Finally the semester begins and Im back in the hostel.I never make New Year resolutions mainly coz I know that I will forget them the next day let lone keep up the damn things.So anyway here are the details of my holidays on reflection...

The actual dates : 3rd Dec to 3rd Jan

The dates due to Prof Hema Murthy and co whose assignments we procastinated to end of semester : 10th Dec to 3rd Jan

Number of books I read : 1 (Digital Fortress - Dan Brown)

Number of movies I saw : I cant count so much :P

Number of good movies I saw : I can't remember any :(

A new game learnt : Poker

An old game played : Basketball

Number of times I played quake which I thought would be my prime distraction in the holidays : 2

Number of live football matches I saw : 3 (Damn the CAS)

Number of days I saw the football matches : 1 (Refer to the sentence in the brackets above)

Number of old school friends I met up with : 3 (Sus, Shiva and Arjun)

Number of old school friends I didnt : I definitely can't count that much

Number of computer games I played except quake : 1 (Civ 3)

Number of hours I played it : ~30 hours (spread through the month)

Number of games completed : 1 (phew)

One of the main aims during the hols : to put on weight as in 1 kg or so

How much I actually put on : I didnt check

Number of times I thought about having a haircut : 6-7

Number of times I did have a haircut : 0

Number of TV channels I surfed , primarily : 5 (I reiterate, Damn the CAS)

Number of News channels in above count : 3 (BBC,Headlines,NDTV)

Number of animation channels : 1 (Animax)

Number of mails tamgumbal( a mail group) sent/recd during last month : ~ 1000

Number of sensible mails exchanged : single digit number ,say, 7

Number of mails recd in last 5 days : ~250 (thanks to Raza)

Number of times I have gone to Bank today : 3

Did I actually make a transaction : No

Number of times in the above trips that the Bank was actually closed : 2

Summing up,

Thing I was most happy about : Meeting up with my friends

Thing I was most sad about : the Tsunami disaster

Thing I was personally disgusted with myself about : not writing a proper post to express my sorrow about the above

The time right now: 5:15

The time is right to: say good bye

TAcKily yours,


bharath said…
so you getting back to your original mode of blogging to tell when you bathed and what u did every minute of the day. hmmmm, good for you.

Any way, it was is will be painful for us to read...
San said…
Shamanth said…
Hey Yellmut, so what would be your only resolution for the new year? That you wont have any resolutions?

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