So after the time I spent deciphering the gnuplot function at DCF ,I alog with CC decided to go to Dhabba Express coz we knew Murali,ED and Ramk were there.(btw Dhabba Express if I didnt know how to pronounce it would be dhabba as in box... its strange how the same word could mbe pronounced in different so Im not drunk...its just the philosiphical side of me...)
So anyways ended p in Dhabba Express til 12:45 doing but one thing...eneral dumbfuck chatting and I was in full I mean it...complete and unattainable form.There was this one converation which took the following route
Dynamicprogramming->Rajsekar->recursive tree->gardener->his "incestuous relatioships"(note the gardener was fictitious) -> how the family tree becomes a cycle -> how it could be bipartite under the assumption of no gays... ->etc.
There ws even a general discussion and I was at one point explaining how a fork into a forkstand was similar to cumilingus as ong as the guy had a sharp tongue!?! Also we debated about the plural of cumulingus==cumulingi?or cumulinguy?(coz its done by a guy?) or cumulinguys? which is what we agreed at.
The best part was paining Murali who btw went to his room with no part in the earlier conversations... so we phone him up and I go...
Me: "dei,whats integral 0 to 1 of..."
Mur: "dei, I was sleeping da,Ill keep the phone down...."
Ramk:"dei ,for ur B slot program(no such thing...just to get his attention ) we are using trees da."
Mur:" which? what?"
Ramk: "dei, what will happen f the tree becomes a cycle?(wrf to earlier conversation) "
Ramk:" (on my suggestion) and what if the cycle has no air?"
Mur:"(Bulbing hajar by now) UH?"
Ramk:" Maybe we should go to Narmad and put air...okay da"

There was also the usual conversation of sex and acm, heroines and acm etc.

After all this I came and watched Real Madrid vs Byern ,again 1st half... too sleepy to ee second half.Score was 1-0 t Real.

so such a eventful night I had to blog be4 I forgot...hope I didnt forget anything important...

Quote f the day: "How did the tree become a cycle? "(completely contextual)


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