Not much happened von gestern.
Ich will in Deutsche zu schrieben versuchen.Aber weiss ich dass,alles nicht richtig ist.Eigentlich ist alles wrong. Ich kann besser sein. Hopflich...

Now that was fun but Im hajjar sure I made no sense to any person wellversed in the language...Bah humbug...

Yesterday I saw Magnolia...totally pseud...if only I could understand what was going on... but still it was pseud...And I took SK's harddisk to Muralis room and he copied sme movies ;twas more of an exchange offer from Dheeru...
Later grubbed in Dhabba Express and woke up some quarter to 8.Only 2 classes today...Am staying the day at hostel...

Hopefully I will do the changes I wish to do to the page...


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