Reality leaves a lot to the imagination

The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense. The deal with reality is that most of the time, quite tersely put, life is funnier than fiction. It sure-as-hell is stranger than it. But alas, as a poet would put it rather sweetly, we have no time to stand and stare. It is of utmost necessity to one’s health, nay, sanity, to relish the simple pleasures that is offered to us as part of the daily life that we live. Iit’s the small eclectic day-to-day delights that overwhelm the ostentatious or substantial successes that grace us with their presences, albeit meagerly and insufficiently. The day a hot cup of tea loses its taste, is the day you lose your soul to the devil…

In light of this philosophical knowledge, not really new-found yet perhaps newly realized, I decide it best to recount two interesting and perhaps even humourous anecdotes from the life of yours truly.

I begin.

(A prelude to this story must include the fact that the following is ostensibly a secret to be maintained between the secret-teller and mois, the supposed secret-keeper. I shall try to retain its sanctity as much as possible… )

X: you wanna know something funny? do you remember N? She joined the same time as me….

Me: I think you’re referring to M not N

X: Yeah M, do you remember her?

X: Of course you do, you suggested :D

Me: yeah I do :D

Me: why

X: haha..i think she was lesbian...she was the first person who kissed me..haha..shocking or what? at the time, i didnt think much of it..but she took me up to the terrace or whatever and kissed me..i dont think id hit puberty yet then..haha..she even wrote me love letters..once it started grossing me out, i stopped talking to her..which was relatively soon i think

Me: lololol

Me: Are you bsing me or is this real??

Me: I would lol if it were real, but somehow doesn’t seem real

X: well suit yourself. ive gotta be proud of myself..being kissed all the way back in sixth..that rhymes...i think i hit puberty later on that year

Me: thanks for all that news... Im scheduling an appointment with the nearest shrink as we speak

X: what has any of that got to do with you?

Me: well she was one of my crushes :P

Me: :D

X: lol!

X: she was quite a cutie...i dont blame you! But thats awesome! san falls for a lesbian..but she wasn’t outta the closet at that point i guess

Me: I have your word vs my intuition

Me: I go for the latter :D

I still don’t know how true this story really is but if it is, I am going to sue my intuition for suspected character defamation…

Quake 3 is quite an engrossing game and it looks really complicated for the beginners. Especially the console commands. There are like a gazillion commands each with their infinite possibilities. But built in into this extraordinary game, is the auto complete feature, which provides an automatic completion to an incomplete command on pressing the TAB button. For example, pressing q and TAB would result in quit for it is the only quake command which starts with a q.

As soon as a newbie enters a quake server he is flooded by messages typed by the players. And the thing which usually strikes any greenhorn the most is the myriad colours that seem to be floating around the place. Alas, being unaccustomed to this colour fest, he feels lonely and insipid. He yearns to learn the secret command. His hands twitch with fervent expectation. He has to know.

One such newbie, we shall call him newbie since I really can’t remember who he was, was feeling really burdened by his ignorance to produce the hues and shades he saw engulfing the screen in front of him. Or so I assume. And even as the game went on with much zest, he frequently interrupted rather rudely and uncouthly as he sought to find the way to attain coloured nirvana. Apparently.

I was pissed. Usually, I am not. But this guy was getting on my nerves. On our nerves. So I tell him,

Me: Dude, type disco, press TAB and enter

Newbie: disco, TAB and enter?

Me: Yeah da, disco as in the colourful thing

Me: Shiny disco balls … you get the point?

Newbie: Yeah sure!

Newbie disconnected

Disco + Tab ~ Disconnect

Sometimes I am just cruel. Mwahahaha.

The real trouble with reality is there’s no back ground music.

I suggest the American Beauty sound track. It works for me.


Anonymous said…
dei...r u crazy?? bloggin at 4.30 in the morn??
Jah said…
Loved it :)
What da super maugham level shtyle and all ?
Blunt said…
I did the same at 4:39 hehehehe

Newbies are dags man!!
My encounters include one where this fellow dint know how we were sending so many messages to each other. Raj, a fighter that he is, taught him how to use the console in that period. The way I put an end to his fight was the was like your "Someone was knocking at my door.I pressed q+Tab+enter. Mummy help me"
Raj was putting fundaes...type /team blue on the console to join the team poor fellow couldnt I still dunno how. To convince him that he could join I said I will Queue you up:D. Asked him to type the dreadful Q+TAB+ENTER :D.

The next thing raj typed was

"/callvote kick Calvin"
all naayes including newbies press F1 or type /vote yes on your console box :P
TenG said…
Now I know why you keep addressing men as 'baby'
San said…
Yes ,sometimes I blog really early...

No, I don't know what maugham level style and all but that was super compliment...

Yes, newbies are dogs...

No, this is not why I address friends as babe/baby. That stems from all the love and affection I have for you guys :P :P :P...

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