So, after much fight putting , I gave up on my attempt to include comments.
So yesterday was quite a chat reunion for me.first Tara,then the 12b junta of B and madhu, then Bharat and finally Evgenia.Currrently Im chatting with Sathya and thats about all the information I can provide.

Apart from this I saw Freaky Friday...yes yes enough freakiness on my part to see it ;though the female lead was quite the good looking one.Or perhaps im not seeing enough movies...Or perhaps...I may just have to overturn my decision about that Indian wife...(reminds himself about that dream he once had)...lets see how life turns out...

At the moment Im quite hellbent on finishing my studies in India itself;but then nobody is prepared to believe me...that disbelief might itself be paradoxically , actually ironically, cause me to revert my decision.

One more important thing, I finally won a Civ 3 game though it was a Diplomatc victory and I was dubbed Gandhi the was a relief to finish a game.Now to win a game with a better title...

Tshuss(or rather Auf weiderhoren)


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