Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.

Thats just a random quote by Homer Simpson. Nothing great but the fact is its random.

There is a rather obscure movie called Pi. The theme of the movie goes something like the world is made up of patterns. Patterns in everything. And the protogonist goes on to undercover a supposed pattern in the number pi and hence cracks some universal code which allows him to predict the future. Well, the movie sucked. Atleast between the parts I crashed what I saw was neither interesting nor thought-provoking. However, its the theme that made me think. Basically what it meant was that everything is predetermined and happens deterministically. That is to say, no randomness.

Think about a world with no randomness. That is, the supposed world according to the astrologers and fortune-tellers. Everything is already decided. Its just waiting for time to catch up to happen. Which is soo wierd. This means we have Absolutely no control over what is going to happen. No control over when you're going to wake up today, when you're going to sleep, how you're you going to kick the football. whether you're going to kick the football, how much your rail accuracy is going to be, how many steps you are going to walk today, what is the amount of that thing-they-claim-as-food you're going to have to intake, how you're going to do the quiz today, whether you're going to see a Korean anime with no english subtitles, whether you're going to blog an amazing post which is going to be read by millions and millions of teeming fans all around the world. Umm, what was I saying.Ah yea, no control.

Fortunately, this is not true. And I'm not talking on the basis of mere intuition. For recently a mathematician (who else) found out that mathematics itself has no set patterns and that all the results one gets from the same are inherently random. Strange result. I would have dismissed it as nonsense had I not personally read the article in Time magazine. The article goes on to add that it was actually the discovery of the Omega constant(I think), which connects the impressive Godel's Incompleteness Theorem and the watershed Turing's Halting Problem, which actually brought about this conclusion. The article was also kind in informing me that the actual theory behind this finding is beyond the scope of a normal reader, which I found rather blunt albeit true.

Personally I am one who strongly believes that Mathematics is the answer to every problem. Not physics (yuck!). Not biology (don't get me started). Not chemistry(Nothing against this actually). Mathematics is the gateway to all sciences. It is the door and the key. I hold mathematicians in great regard, the ones who know what they are talking about at least. So, when the very foundations of life, ie Mathematics, has been shown to be random, it can be assumed that life itself is far from predictable. Which is very reassuring.

So all of you can finally be happy. Or sad. Whichever. Any random emotion actually. Do anything you wish to do and blame it on the mathematically proved randomness that you and I are bound to. Wait, random huh? Does this again mean that anything can happen anytime? Am I again no longer in control of what is going to happen?? Have I just jumped from the frying pan into the fire???

*Calms down*

So, as I was saying before the neurotic paranoid alter-ego of mine took control, do something random. Unique. Strange even. Like

dohgosdkhsghihsjfkljskdghhslgsgjskgjlsjfhwiorht320f20rufkn ]q ;l jlnslkdf2 h

Nobody could have predicted that I would type this. It was a random act of life. Well, unless they invent a time machine... but that's a whole new issue which I rather discuss another day.


Jah said…
If an absolute truth existed, it would be impossible for it to create randomness out of absoluteness. Hence by assuming that randomness is absolute, we deny the existence of absoluteness itself, which is infact contradictory to the previously stated absoluteness of randomness.
mrokkam said…
I hate math....
Now Physics......that can explain everything.
senti said…
what is that circular symbol about?
San said…
@cock : Thanks da. I try. :D

@dasan : Now theres some serious absolute random bullshit. Though for a moment I thought your comment made sense :P.

@mohan : Don't hate math. Shower all your malice towards the granddaddy of all evil, physics.

@senti : Its a beautifully decorated Yin-Yang. Sometimes used as a symbol of peace, it represents the male and female or good and evil as black and white (I didnt say respectively :P) . I think. Google it da :).
Korean anime?
Which one is Korean Ichigo san?
I thought all were Japanese!!
San said…
@BofI: My mistake. Japenese then. But what doesn't Korean make it more random ;)

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