Yada Yada Yada Blah Blah Blah

Me, CC and Prof

Continuing from my last post, this is the conversation which ensued when I actually met the prof. Neither me nor CC had too much fundaes on the portions we were supposed to cover in the self study course but assuming the prof would have forgotten what he gave to us last semester we decided to say we finished 2-3 chapters.

Me: We have done first 2 chapters and are doing the third
CC : ...ya...
Prof: So you have done that proof that n/2 something of a Byzantine something results in failure using that two triangle proof?
CC: *silence* (with a face that resembled the :O)
Me: hmm...yes
Me: ok...No

Tam Gumbal
For some time now the tam gumbal conversations are taking a turn for the worse... A short form for every possible known word/words/sentence... The following imaginary sitution between a tam gumbal guy and an ignoramous will justify my claims...

Tam Gumbal Guy: Hi da
Ignoramous: Hey... how are you?
TGG: k u
Ig: Hmm... fine. Can't you type proper english?
TGG: nt
Ig: nt? Can you explain?
Ig: What does that mean? Non Tam?
TGG: kt
Ig: kt? Was that a typo? And what is nt?
TGG: loosu KT wonly
Ig: Oh you meant KT... what does that mean? I don't understand...
TGG: stfu
TGG: SMM for you
Ig: ??? SMM? Samosa Mixed with Maida?
TGG: wtf
TGG: bwipc
Ig: I give up

:)) People interested in learning the TG lingo tell me. Ill put some fundaes.

Random quotes :

Hole : Machan I have read so much about delays that there is a delay in my brain now !?!

Hole : F*cking Elec junta... finding capaticance and resistance between every two places on this earth... (He is Elec)

L2 (to 2nd year Elec bp1, whom he has met for the first or second time) : I am going to copy tomorrow's exam from you. Ok?
Elec bp1 : Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! (really dramatic shrill)

D slot prof ( Short Story Classics) : Why do you think the author has included this line in the story?
OS ( aka Arijit) : No reason. It doesn't make any sense.

And finally the best:
X : I'd like to be under the sea, in an octapuss' garden in the shade...

Identify X. (btw for the first time in his IITian life, Helmet makes it to a quiz finals :D )


Jah said…
To helmet, majorly funny post da...
To rest of the junta, me made it to the quiz finals too... Actually we were a team n all...
X hmmm.... Mercury ??

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