
No update in 10 days! Actually even more than that. The fans and followers of Helmet wait feverishly for their idol to pen yet another of his posts. They yearn for his post, be it on the wise teachings of Confucius, the triviality of Fermat's little theorem or just his eventful dynamic colourful daily schedule. Some of them are even staging a protest in the far away land of Timbuktoo requesting the talenter blogger to write again. Readers go on indefinite fasts and beautifical nymphlike aficianidos run nude through the streets of London ot tell the world of this crisis as they can no longer let the blog remain unrefreshed...


Dream gone.

I really don't have any reason for not writing a post. The fact that I have absolutely confidently completely zero, zilch, nada, zuck work is somewhat like a highly understated understatement. Like calling computer science courses in the 4th year, uninspiring, boring, tedious and soporific. Like calling a monkey an irritating, irksome, painful and ugly creature. Like calling Bush a stupid idiotic ignorant war-mongering redneck megalomaniac monkey.

I could say I forgot. Just completely slipped my mind. Sometimes I would think of something to write, click on FireFox and then the thought would vanish as fast as it materialised. But then that was just once or twice. Anyways an attempt to come up with some other excuses...

Well, there was this one day when 4 of us invented a new game. Impressive you might say. Well, I sort of agree. Its one of those nonsense games which people play except we decided to add a certain intellectual twist. A cerebral twist of lime to the crazy concoction. The original game (as played for the very first time by Neo, EP and yours truly) involved the following rules
Rule Number 1) What you say should not be related to what the previous person said and must be as random but quick as possible.
Rule Number 2) There are no other rules.

At this point, it would be sensible to add, in case there a few of you scratching your head and wondering whether I belong in Kilpak Medical Hospital, that this game was invented during a conversation late-night and can be attributed to sleeplessness. Though I would rather impute it to the highly evolved thinking processes of the founder members.

So as I was saying, the recondite twist. Now we added an extra rule, just to spice things up. Basically we found the initial version far too easy, for it fitted perfectly into our way of thinking (ie meaningless, inane and arbitrary).
Rule Number 1.x) What you say should be related to what the next person said in the last round and the connection must be as abstruse as possible.

Thus was born the game of PSP (Don't ask why the name. It was invented when we were playing the game, so I guess you realise the rationality of its existence).

Truth be told, it is rather a game to be played when you are full of enthu because it needs a lot of brain activity. We have only played it once and have recorded the complete game on paper. Interested people contact

This week also saw in its wake a rather interesting debate of sorts about the influence of cultural events like Saarang. There have been some recent rumours that the Dean of Students, who has lost his marbles, wanted to scrap the fiesta for he termed it the Mother of All Evils. This sacrilegious blasphemy is not to be, thankfully, and though the debate ended somewhat undecided, somehow I feel its just the case of the battle won and the war just beginning. Fortunately, being a final year student, one need not worry about that which does not concern him and anything beyond May 2006 does not concern him.

Talking about fourth year students, I never actually realised how utterly jobless and mothballed one is in fourth year til this week. The last three days have been somewhat of an eyeopener though ironically I have hardly opened my eyes during the "working hours" of college. Which is to say, Helmet has peacefully packed classes for three days now and if he persists and somehow finds some hidden talent, then he can prove to be a cause of concern for the current "longest stretch of days bunked" Narmadite, Goda. Two more working days, dude... will he or won't he?

Oh Mon Dieu, I almost forgot. I have to add a line about the net in the insti.... apparently some genius realised that the bandwidth being diverted to the departments is ridiculously unnecessary compared to their needs viz-a-viz the same to the hostel sector. And apparently the same genius or geniuses (or genii) decided to finally allocate more to the latter which has indeed resulted in a unbelievably terrific connection speed. This page actually loads immediately when you click on the link. And hence to that genius or geniuses or genii

(Thank you very much. God bless)

Wait, what was this post about? I forget. AArgh.


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Hey, I lost a week somewhere