
Things have been quite busy as the transformation from the TV-watching, icecream gorging, sudoko-crossie-sudoko solving me to the busy, something-to-do-every-minute, footer-playing quake-addicted Helmet got underway during the previous week which rather uncoincedentally saw the reopening (finally) of college after nearly 3 months.

I should say I have had a fabulous vacation and seeing that it could perhaps be the last holidays period of such an extended nature, it was something I can always look back to. Right from the beginning as we toiled over unfinished assignments left over as a result of a suspicious mixture of ignorance, don't-care-attitude and lethargy through the oft-repeated yet rarely understated Trilogy internship upto the last few weeks of mellowing at home.Fab.

And as college began on the unceremonial bunking of almost all classes by ironically the professors (I guess we must give them a chance for once the semester is in full flow, we all know who will be doing the lion's share of that although I have heard a lot about our D slot teacher...), the first three days, Helmet spent readjusting to the bustling lifestyle that he so adored. Adores. Meanwhile, the newly realised freedom of choosing free electives has caused him to pinball around various classes though he seems to have finally settled with a 2nd year course much to his chagrin not beacuse he doesnt like the subject (its math, so understandable) but more for fear of ineptitude he has incurred upon himself from the three mind-numbing years at IIT which could surface for all to see in such an attempt. He only hopes some of his grey matter will still work after such a long hibernation.

Atleast for the first few days, there was something lacking. Initially I thought it was the fact that I didn't have my room and then I realised it was the fact that all the junta weren't back yet. So now that all of the gang is back, a feeling of completeness which was missing for the first couple of days seems to be permeating the whole of 4th wing, which for the ignoramouses, now shelters yours truly as well. As of now my room is so clean that initially I was in such a state of stupor it was almost like a story of love at first glance. Except this wasn't the first glance. And it wasn't as much love as it was relief. Ok a small amount of love as well...

3 O' clock. Im glad to be able to see this time with AM suffixed after such a long time. Usually 3 O'clock implies Will & Grace, the 3 pm I mean, which I will sorely miss but then with all that is happening I can hardly complain. I probably can even see that show if I really want to but then a sudden sense of enthulessness envelops. I guess I should attribute that to the soprific classes. I am sure they have become more boring than last year. Which is truly remarkable because last year was recorded in the Genius's Book of Records (and no, the first word wasn't a typo; I am referring to my book of records...humble me humble you ;) ).

And finally for the Philistines, the title is actually the title of a song by Simple Plan which was on infinite loop sometime last week. Thankfully I am over the song (I think though sometimes you can never say when you're over something) and thanks to other songs, I seem to be slowly alienating myself from that song. Though there are other contenders for infinite loop lurking around in my song list...By the way, the video of the above mentioned song is awesome as well. I mean the whole story of the song, the direction...everything. It seems to so dutifully and beautifully capture the whole situation and the personal angst of the guy in the video. I spent some time reflecting what exactly I would do in such a crisis. (Which can't possibly happen now that I am a Saint).And special mention to the totally beautiful babe of the song ..:P.


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