We'll always have Bangalore

It sure has been amazing. Awesome. Fantastic. Fantabulous. Magnificent. MegaMagnificent. I should stop with the adjectives now for I will run short of them coz of my rather stunted vocabulary though I have hardly described aptly the great life experience this wonderful wonderous internship has been.

And yes, it was nice too.

So after all of 9 marvellous weeks, I must now bid adieu to this internship. And so, how better to say sayonara but with a post full of arigatos. That for the japaneselly handicapped few of you out there, is a Thank You post.

So, here goes... hope I dont miss anyone and/or anything...

The best place when one wants to start on a nostalgic journey is the place one calls home albeit cliched. Home or rather the guesthouse. Probably this was one of the highlights of the trip here. The huge rooms, comfortable beds and the miracle of cable Tv , which for one as starved for television as CAS-constrained yours truly, was the icing on the cake.

Strangely, I sometimes feel that this whole thing has whizzed past. Whizzed or Whooshed or some similar onomatopoeic word. Seems like just yesterday that I entered that house, suitcase in hand and a bag around the back, and I chanced upon my fellow interns who I am sure were as quick to judge me as I were them. But it is the same guesthouse that makes me think that I have been here forever. In fact, the whole of Bangalore looks so familiar now, in but 2 months. And it is just such an awesome city to live in. The weather, the people, the places, the this and the that. Just awesome.Familiarity breeds contempt? Bah, every generalisation has its exceptions and this would be my contribution to the latter...
So anyways, thanks good ol' guesthouse on #7,something-something-seomthing 4th sector HSR Layout, Bangalore (It is not for secrecy or security that I went something-something-something but because of ignorance). Thanks for housing me so well.

I guess now would be a good time to switch over to the next on my to-thank list. My fellow interns.

I could never have envisaged that such a varied group of guys could get along so well. Varied , maybe, but heart of hearts , we were all the same. Well, almost all of us. (I refuse to name anyone). I guess there needs to be some diversity to spice things up...

There have been so many experiences we have shared together that I couldn't possibly list them all together. The very first day when I went to Madiwala market, the repeated visits to the Forum, the countless days we guys have watched movies together (reminded me of third semester...), the gazillion pocket-pinching auto rides to office and finally the many brilliant nights we stayed up playing cards. Poker, Sweep and 29. Ah, life. Well, I totally forgot to mention the new adventures we were treated to every Saturday! Hmmm, that would probably come under the next section...

Before that, I am so grateful to ALL my fellow interns for making this trip so enjoyable, memorable and eventful. I could never forgot anything or anyone...

Moving on, the logically next set of people to thank. The people at the office. I shouldn't be so general, its more like a set of people
Mohit, my mentor who has spent a lot of time answering doubts on the project and more
Aditya, my pseudo-mentor who also has spent time clearing doubts and more importantly providing some quality tv entertainment (he was my source of Desperate Housewives...sheesh that is sooo misinterprettable :P)
RK, Deepak and Saurabh and the rest of the RecOrder/Auto ppl who have put up with me and my antics
Rency, JTU MoM who took care of us. The rocking saturdays, the lunch-and-learn wednesdays and the incomparable hospitality she treated us with can but be understated as remarkable. Especially the last overnight stay ... Man...

I should also thank all the other fellow Trilogians like Smitha, Anuja, Vikas, Tushar, Animesh, Akshay, Vaibhav and all the others I have so stupidly forgotten to name who have been directly or indirectly responsible for making this such a fun life.

Thinking of office I have atleast two more things I have to add...

MUSIC. Life in Bangalore would have been incomplete without music. And the best part is it never stuck to just one genre. I still had some limited 'addiction-periods' when I was addicted to a particular artist or song but it was a temporary thing at best. I should perhaps take time out to thank Goda for hooking me on to Eminem for a while and to Tho and Senti for Woh Lamhe. There was that other time when I only listened to Norah Jones (ya baby she totally rocks). But now I am just incurably hooked to Layla by Eric Clapton. Where is my Layla? ;).

CHATTING. Office would have been impossible if not for this. Having friends is one thing, but having those who you can talk to daily is totally another. And so I consider myself so lucky that I so many chat-worthy friends.
(Contemplates naming some of them but is afraid he will leave out someone and feel disgusted that he did afterwards)
(Decides to take a risk)

Thus my friends who kept me entertained throughout the 9 weeks at office are (sounds like I am reading out the finalists for some beauty contest...)
(Order determined by the ordering in the Messenger lists)
(Actually not...this is quite arbitrary ordering)
Turkey, Gayatri, Harish, Nakul, Badam, Sunith, Diya, KG, Kabi, Murali, Raza, Ramk, Madhumitha, Ravi, Bharat, Aruna, Ghattu, Pointy, Janani, Kamesh, PTM and anybody else I have been so absentminded to leave out.

(I havent included the 4th wing junta or my fellow interns but there has been significant chatting with these eternally jobless fellows too :D)

Talking about friends, my trip to Bangalore has been characterised by meeting up with a lot of people I havent seen in a long while. Of the top of my head, Sudharshan, Radhika, Akanksha, Yamini and maybe even Bharat who seems to be in town... Well....

And then there is the pseud Hyd trip of which already a post has been written.

Finally a special mention for Tho who has been here throughout. His life also proved to be quite a source of entertainment. :D. Ya thanks to STd and Sassy too.

So people its been a totally hifunda time in Bangalore and its a shame its coming to an end so soon... And if there's anything or anyone I left out feel free to tell me...

Aah Bangalore...sweet Bangalore... if only you had a beach and IIT Madras I would never leave...:P

Tis a long tearful farewell...

But I will be back...one way or the other :)


Anonymous said…
Ah man, Bangalore is wonderful. I'll miss sweet, sweet Bangalore too.

San said…
Dude you stopped blogging huh? How come?
Jah said…
i thought the card game was called 28....
and when r u putting the rain dance pics ? :P
San said…
Thats the saddest part da Dasan... I forgot to copy the pics :(( So the only pics I have of the party are those I sent to you...

But there is hope, we will be receiving a CD of the gazillion pics we took during the trip from Trilogy and so keep your fingers crossed that the rain dance pics also will be there... ;)

PS: The game was 29 wonly...

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