Is it just me?

Is it just me or is my life getting wierd all of a sudden? Wierd in a nice way. Certain enigmatic events which trigger various thoughts and views on the confusing sojourn that is life...

So we are sitting in the impressive ground that is Sangam audiencing a 9-a-side cricket side and junta are exercising their unwritten law of using expletives against ,usually, the opponent team in titanic amounts.And in all languages known to man.Take our man L2 for instance. He was cursing everyone, especially the wicketkeeper of the Msc team, in hindi, english, tamil and gult. He could have even tried mallu except for lack of someone well versed in the curse words of mallu. There were even some Saras junta who being the epitome of joblessness that fourth years are, came out to generally shout various highly descriptive 'colourful' words , even combining words of 2 languages at one point. So as all this was going on, suddenly someone in the opposing team decides they have had enough and starts running at us armed with one of the stumps. It doesnt take long for all of them to join in and single one of us out. Who ? L2 obviously :). They encircle poor L2 and impress him with their vocabulary. L2 did get out of the thing unscathed though rumours abound that he lost a slipper while fleeing the scene.And that he may return to Sangam only next year..:D

So I was sitting in class today roughly 2 0'clock. It was Software Engineering class. This is one of the most painful courses for many a reason. One of them being that the only time he takes attendence is when I dont attend it. And another is that he tends to take really really boring stuff when you dont feel sleepy and when you do feel ready to crash, he usually ends up digressing from the course and talking about anything like JEE and the quality of Saarang, or so I hear. So today I actually wasnt feeling like crashing having got up at ~11:30 and having missed all of the morning classes. (" Grand Slam :missing all 4 morning hours ";achieved by atleast 4 people today, all of whom sat up til 3:30am to see the football matches ;) ) SO he is talking something about the MCP design pattern or some other combination of letters while I try to find other things to do. Like imagining what I would do if I decided to just travel for three months. (Personally I would like to visit some "exotic" place like Spain though why Spain I am so unable to answer. ) After much day dreaming , I decide I shall doodle for some time. I start drawing stars in my book and then try to draw stars within stars and recursively keep sketching. Suddenly the class is very quiet and I look up to the prof looking at me and smiling. I look at him and his eyes dart at my book and my face. I force a smile and try to figure out whats going on in the class so that I can try to frame some answer if he were to pose me a question. (Actually I had NO idea what was going on...) Thankfully he decides not to do anything like that and rather gives a lecture on the ever-decreasing attention span of the current generation and just before continuing the class, sports a smile which almost implied I'll-take-care-of-you-when-grading-you-,-you-stupid-idiots. Ouch...

And finally my latest only-song-I-listen-to : IIT Life by Adil,Riaz,Shoubik,Parag. The song is supposedly by IIT Kanpur students. So professional they sound... The song is really catchy but its the lyrics that are awesome because they are so true. You can relate to every word. Its what really happens. Really good...

Din bar kam, nahi aaram...
Kohi yeh bathaye , kahan jahe...

Speaking of grand slams I think I may repeat the same thing today (Thursday) unless I find some enthu to crash now. Where I get the strange enthu to blog at 5 in the morning I can never it just me?

PS: Today in this post refers to Wednesday unless otherwise specified.

PPS: A short word on the recent elections. Thank God for the decent results...


Anonymous said…
wierd? weird. weird or wired?
Sappoux said…
been a while since i posted something here. maybe, i could call this comment something like "Is it just us?".
Gayatri said…
hmmm.. I think you are yet to master the art of switching off completely in class and yet seem to be very attentive!!!

Mercury.. Isn't that how we got through 3 whole years( btw only a week more of college!!!!!!!!!) ;)
San said…
I have somewhat mastered the art of falling asleep with my eyes open for wht its worth.Apparently the profs have mastered a way to detect that :P.

And et tu Santosh ;)?
pisku said…
hey dude. me found you too. well by the time u finish u won't bother to keep your eyes open in class. its just not worth the effort!
EP/ UK said…
Just Us? Is it?

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