
There are so many things one can be confused about.Even the small things.The so-called trivial things. The decision to take tea or coffee, black shirt or white shirt, bunking E slot or D slot.:D. The last thing is more indecision to do both but some confusion nonetheless.

Then there is the confusion about the "bigger" things in life. The choices which you take. That which maketh the man. Incidentally (and thankfully) I wasnt in the least bit confused when in school about which stream to follow and which college to end up in. Science seemed the natural way (now I wonder why). IIT seemed the next logical step (this is one decision I am happy about :D ). But now that I discover all the choices that were there, I am slightly disappointed at my ignorance. Not that it would have affected where I am, but then disappointed anyways.

Nowadays I am constantly being bombarded by the red pill and the blue pill phenamenon (refer Matrix ob ;) ). I have to make a conscious choice between two things , both with its pros and cons, and the worst part is, as one problem is solved the whole thing seems to be cascading. Like that monster which grew into two monsters every time someone cut it into two. Exponential order. Thats the complexity. But lately I have just decided to chill and take the easy way out. The seemingly "less-work-involved" path instead of the oft-beaten track. Trying hard to make sure I dont have to put in much work. (Oxymoronish?)

But then circumstances got me thinking. About stuff. About my future ( :O yes yes even I , for a fleeting moment of my existence, thought about the possibilites of where my life is heading instead of just living for the moment and taking life as it comes).

So finally the important stuff. (The stuff Shyamnath will kill to know :P) :

Am I going to app? Am I going to CAT? Am I going for a job?

The truth is, Im still undecided. Much as I am about the other binary problems which lay before me. Unfortunately, steps need to be taken well in advance for achieving ones goals.He who fails to plan will not plan to fail but will.

And thus we have a hopeless Helmet ever reflecting on what to do , highly distracted and ready to just ask someone (someone qualified enough) for some advice on what to do and do it.No questions asked. But the thing is the only person who I know qualified enough to answer me will tell me things I dont want to listen.Dont want to do. And thus back to square one.Confused.

Confused but clear enough to give reviews of two brilliant movies.

The Graduate:

The first cassette of Simon and Garfunkel I had , had the words "the Graduate" in the front. Ever since Ive been trying to see the film, fuelled by rumours of its storyline. And see it I did. And it was awesome. The story, the acting, the movie. Granted its a strange story. But brilliant acting. And the background score. S&G. Need I say more....


Now I didnt know anything about this movie when I started watching. Didnt even know Adam Sandler was acting. But Ill tell you one thing. A movie is good if you think about the movie even after its over, but its great if you're still thinking about it the next day. And this is one great movie. I cant lay my finger on one specific characteristic but I felt the movie was amazing as a whole.

Ahhhh only 2 movies in the past 4 days. Either I am getting choosy or the endless source is endless no more...


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