There are so many things one can be confused about.Even the small things.The so-called trivial things. The decision to take tea or coffee, black shirt or white shirt, bunking E slot or D slot.:D. The last thing is more indecision to do both but some confusion nonetheless. Then there is the confusion about the "bigger" things in life. The choices which you take. That which maketh the man. Incidentally (and thankfully) I wasnt in the least bit confused when in school about which stream to follow and which college to end up in. Science seemed the natural way (now I wonder why). IIT seemed the next logical step (this is one decision I am happy about :D ). But now that I discover all the choices that were there, I am slightly disappointed at my ignorance. Not that it would have affected where I am, but then disappointed anyways. Nowadays I am constantly being bombarded by the red pill and the blue pill phenamenon (refer Matrix ob ;) ). I have to make a conscious choice between two...