
Personally I dont like this story but for want of time and the creativity to come up with an idea to write a post, I decided to use a short story which we had to submit as an assignment. Bear in mind the stringent 1000 word limit which clearly sucked the life out of my otherwise decent storyline. Come to think of it, it really wasn't even a decent storyline in the first place. Heck, you be the judge of this crap.

If you're still here even after the warning I just gave you, I can but pity you. And yes, feel free to attack me with sticks, stones and words. I will definitely join in.

To have loved and lost

Priya was growing more and more beautiful. I was only thinking of her these days and it didn’t help that every class I attended she was there. Her long enticing florid black flowing hair. Her mysterious dark brown eyes. Her irresistible innocent smile which brought forth her perfect cherubic dimples. But then every time I thought of telling her how I felt, I went speechless. She, on the other hand, never talked to me. A friendly greeting now and then, but nothing more.

So when it actually happened, I was shocked beyond anything words can express. “Shiva?” Priya called out as she tapped on my shoulder. “Yes, Priya”, I replied trying to find my voice as it tried to vanish in the wake of this unexpected event. “Well, I want to ask you something…” I had grown used to people asking me assignments and tutorials and so, slightly dejected that she was going to as well, I replied “Sure, which one?” “What do you mean??” She sounded nonplussed and slightly angry. “Oh, I thought you wanted an assignment solution…” “No. I want to tell you something Shiva and I only ask you to hear me out. “, she said defiantly. “I love you Shiva. I have since a long time. I have never been able to tell you this, but I have. I just came to tell you this. I don’t want your approval or your rejection. Consider this just a piece of information.” “But Priya, I,…” “No, don’t Shiva. Don’t. Please.” She started weeping every so softly. “But Priya, I love you too. I always have!” I almost shouted out with a smile that could rival that of the Cheshire cat. She looked up, with her eyes opened ever so wide, “I knew it. I did. I just knew it”. Then we embraced each other for what felt like an eternity.

“Hello Kumar, guess what? Priya still loves me! Woohoo!”

“First of all, why haven’t you called in three months???”

“Sorry, Sorry, listen we just had lunch today. She told me again that she loves me… She talks too much this girl…”

“Oh…umm, hey Shiva good news… I found a girl too...her name….”

“Wow, this is wonderful news!”

“Yes, it is wonderful. She is from ...Goa... Panaji I think. She lives in a huge house with a swimming pool, five cars …”

“Hmm, rich girl…”

“She is so beautiful and loquacious. Just like your Priya. Maya is so much fun to talk to, we talk about everything. We even talked about our childrens’ names, would you believe it? She said Rakesh but I insist on Shiva.”

“Awesome… when did you meet her?”

“Maya? Umm, around three months back...”

“Hey around the same time Priya and I got together!”

“Well, yeah…”

“We are both so lucky. I am feeling so happy. For the both of us”

“Yes, yes, for the both of us.”

“Aren’t you happy that we told our parents about us, Shiva? I told you they’ll understand.” “Well, I’m ecstatic. And relieved”, I replied. We looked at each other and I was able to picture us ten years from now, with a couple of children…

“Shiva, do you know what happened to Kumar?”, Priya interrupted me with a pensive look. “No, it’s been atleast a couple of months since I last called home. Anyways I am sure anything important my mother will tell your mother …”, I said with a wry smile on my face, as we sat down on the bench overlooking the lake. “So what happened to him?” “Well, apparently he suddenly packed all his stuff and then ran away. They haven’t been able to find him until now.” “Oh my God, when did this happen?” “About a couple of weeks ago. It seems he hadn’t been acting, well, normal for atleast six months now. Talking to himself a lot. Well, that’s what the local grapevine had to say”, she replied, as she took out her water bottle and offered it to me. “No thanks.”, I said and I continued to muse aloud, “I sure didn’t see this coming… he sounded so happy when I last spoke to him. But then I haven’t talked to him in a long time now. I wonder what made him do that? I wonder what…I wonder what Maya is going through…”

“Who is Maya?” Priya asked, throwing her hair back with a jealous tone in her voice. “No one. No one at all.”

“Shiva? Shiva. Do you recognize my voice?”

“Kumar? Is that really you? Where are you calling from?”

“Yes, its me, Shiva. I am going to find Maya. You remember Maya don’t you?”

“Yes of course, I do.”

“Well, I think something happened to her. She hasn’t come in a long time now. You know Shiva, she used to come daily. We used to sit by the fireplace and discuss about everything. We even played chess. One time…”

“Wait, you mean Maya was coming daily from her home to see you?”

“Yes. Daily. From Goa. She used to stay on quite late. We used to go out to the beach, the movies, everywhere. Just the two of us. But not anymore. And you know what’s the funniest part?”

“What is it Kumar?”

“Well, all my friends back home thought she isn’t real. I mean, they thought I made her up. Isn’t that hilarious?”

“Umm, Yes… quite. So you’re telling me she used to come from Goa daily just to see you?”

“I suppose so. I don’t know if it was just to see me…”


“Oh? I don’t like that 'Oh'…

(silence for nearly half a minute)

Shiva, I want to ask you a question for which I expect an honest response. I haven’t asked anyone else and I will completely believe what you say.”

“Sure Kumar, anything.”

“Shiva, do you think I could be…insane? I mean slightly mad? Just tell me a yes or a no.”

“Kumar , I can’t … I mean, really…”

“Please Shiva, yes or no? A straight terse answer.”

“No, Kumar, you aren’t mad.”

“Shiva, Karthik has to go to school early today. You’re dropping him right?”, asked Priya, as she went about with the preparation of breakfast.

“Yes, I am dear. Let me just finish reading the newspaper.”

A homeless guy was found dead on HG Road in Panaji, Goa. The cause of death has been ascertained to be consumption of poison. The police released the contents of a letter found on the man which read,

“My best friend,

I am sorry. I think I am indeed mad. Ever since I left home, I have been searching for Maya. There is no Maya. I think there never was. They say it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Then why does it hurt so much?

Hope you and Priya are happy. Give my regards to your parents. I don’t have enough money to even post this to you. I hope you get to read this soon.

Thank you and sorry,


PS: You should have told me I was mad.”


Jah said…
Funny... I hated my story too...
amrit said…
I would like to know why is there no relation between the narrator's life and his friend's? What is Priya doing here in this story??
San said…
@Dasan: You probably did that baselessly whereas in my case my hate is genuine.

@Amrit: Don't ask. Don't know. Basically I was supposed to bring out more similarities between Maya and Priya.

Alas the equality constraint could not get over-violated...
senti said…
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San said…
@Scout: Where were you before I submitted this piece of crap? Anyways an author tries to defend this work (in vain):
1) Priya had lovely hair. Period.
Hehe, I was initially of the opinion I had a thousand words to write and so took the liberty of misusing and overusing adjectives. But I reiterate, Priya had lovely hair.
2) Clearly you don't completely know the power of love. !?! Maybe the guy was exaggerating when he said they never talked?
2.24) The press is getting weirder and weirder these days.
2.5) Lol @ Karele ke
3) I was actually unimpressed by the way time flowed. But then you must be right :P.

Yes you are being a bitch :D. Nothing wrong in it though.

Damn, I never thought about this story so much!

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