So difficult

Why is it so difficult?

What is this unqualified 'it' you ask?Anything and everything..

Why is it so difficult to feel so alone with so many people around you?

Why is it as difficult to have your privacy ostensibly trespassed by strangers?

Why is it so difficult to convince others that you are correct?

Why is it as difficult to let others convince you that you are wrong?

Why is it so difficult to spend a continuous hour looking at the star studded sky?

Why is it as difficult to spend a continuous hour trying to concentrate on your work?

Why is it so difficult to make a resolution that you can keep?

Why is it MORE difficult to keep a resolution that you make?

Why is it so difficult not to nod at someone who is making a presentation and just asked a rhetorical questions?

Why is it as difficult to contain your laughter at the way the same person is presenting his work?

Why is it so difficult to say hi to someone you dont know or havent met in a long while?

Why is it as difficult to reply when someone you don't know or havent met in a long while, says hi?

Why is it so difficult to have grand dreams when you know they are but dreams?

Why is it so difficult to see movies and not imagine yourself as the protogonist?

Why is it so difficult not to criticise Bollywood and Kollywood movies but at the same time so easy to appreciate Hollywood movies?

Why is it so difficult to not be egotistical and even more not to be egoistical?

Why is it so difficult to accept that some things never change and some people never change?

Why is it so difficult to compliment someone but so easy to criticise them?

Why is it so difficult to make but so easy to break?

Why is so easy to pose questions but so difficult to answer them?

So many questions. Nice try I can even essay an answer for any of them.

But surely I can add on more...

Why is it so difficult to miss going on death-defying treks in the supposedly beautiful pristine mountains of Coorg with your friends?

Why is it as difficult to tell your friends how much fun you had in the high-spirited rain dance party that you attended at a popular nightclub the same weekend ?



senti said…
why is IT so difficult to comment on such level blogs?
Jah said…
Why is it even more difficult to send me a picture on gmail ?
Why is it so difficult to make up your mind about getting your a** to hyderabad so you and your friends can have some fun ?
San said…
I did send you that pic da...

And as of now, I am dragging my a** to chill ;)
Why is it so difficult to not comment when you have nothing to say?

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