so after seeeing joot i have decided as usual not to see any more tamil films but as b4 i dont have much faith tht this will remain true.shekhar periappas drama though was very good and i njoyed food we ate afterwards at this restaurant behind woodlands...
what else...india hopefully shud not end up losing the test match though they seem to be heading in tht direction;time for good ol dravid wall and prince saurav to rescue us;whatever will we do w/o these junta?
and i hope to write small article type things on some issues like suicide,kingdoms and iit lingo...i cant wait to do this more often;
aditya came home yday so did tara;and i saw the return of the king;loved it coz it stayed true to the book unlike the first film...grrrr.i also saw the hours and hence want to read virginia woolfs book if any;(i can almost guarentee tht this will probly not be achieved coz thts the type of guy i am ;) ).
thts the weekend report brought to u by lazybones inc...


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